Genta Ismaili New Album Albumi i ri I gentes 01 Hajde bukur Download Mp3 02 Një lutje Download Mp3 03 Posesiv Download Mp3 04 Nuk harrohet Download Mp3 05 Shko Download Mp3 06 Largohu Download Mp3 07 E kam shpirtin eksploziv Download Mp3 08 Fjalë me bisht Download Mp3 09 Lutem Download Mp3 10 Me hare Download Mp3
Genta ismaili Me Hare 2nd Prize Polifest 2006 After winning 3rd place on Euro Video Music Festival, 3rd June 2006, this time she scooped 2nd Prize in Polifest 2006 Music Festival (pop category) held in Prishtina, 17th June. Title of the song: "Me Hare", Music by: Beka, Text by: Beka. Visit for more info on Genta!
Here is Kosova sex symbol Genta Ismaili hot on stage, Her Real Name is “Gentiana Ismaili”. It is great fun opening your eyes to the most beautiful women in the world you have never heard of before. Not to start an international incident but admit it, foreign chicks like Genta are hotter, yes?
The Albanian participant in “EuroVideo Grand Prix 2006", Genta Ismajli was born in one of the most beautiful cities in Kosovo. She has started her musical studies since elementary school in Chicago. She is continuing her education at a private Academy for Solo Singing.
Beautiful and charming, Genta reflects a strong character when she is on stage. She comes on stage as a summer breeze, and performs like a storm.
She became very famous and loved by the public since the first time she came on stage. She has won many awards, in between which: first place in “Kenga Magjike 2005‿, “Netet e Klipit 2006‿ where she won first position, which allowed her to represent Albania in the European Music video Festival.
The Albanian participant in “EuroVideo Grand Prix 2006”, Genta Ismajli was born in one of the most beautiful cities in Kosovo. She has started her musical studies since elementary school in Chicago. She is continuing her education at a private Academy for Solo Singing.
Beautiful and charming, Genta reflects a strong character when she is on stage. She comes on stage as a summer breeze, and performs like a storm.
She became very famous and loved by the public since the first time she came on stage. She has won many awards, in between which: first place in “Kenga Magjike 2005”, “Netet e Klipit 2006” where she won first position, which allowed her to represent Albania in the European Music video Festival.
Gentiana is the Greek name for this plant, and was first used about 50-100 AD [Corneliuson, 1997]. According to Dioscoroides and Pliny, this plant got its Greek name after the last king of Illyria, Genthios [Genthius, Gentius] (180-68 BC). Illyria was located close to today's Albania. Supposedly Genthios discovered the pharmacological properties of gentians. Genthios and Gentian is still used as given names, in Albania and other places; Genthios for males, Genthis for females, and Gentian for both genders.
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