Gentiana is the Greek name for this plant, and was first used about 50-100 AD [Corneliuson, 1997]. According to Dioscoroides and Pliny, this plant got its Greek name after the last king of Illyria, Genthios [Genthius, Gentius] (180-68 BC). Illyria was located close to today's Albania. Supposedly Genthios discovered the pharmacological properties of gentians. Genthios and Gentian is still used as given names, in Albania and other places; Genthios for males, Genthis for females, and Gentian for both genders.
GENTIANA IAMAJLI kengetarja en ma e mire ne bote esht per mua edhe mesiguri per shum shum qerave esht nje kengetare shum e mir une e kam shum qef apo ju sedi veq une shum shum qef e kam shum shum...........
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